Kingdom Men Retreat

“Kingdom Men Retreat,” empower by ChurchONE Waldorf!




This retreat is an invitation to focus on our spiritual journey. We will consider the ordinary and dramatic ways God is present in our lives. Prayer will present itself as the intimate union with God which places us fully at God’s disposal. Some of the challenges to meaningful prayer and its blessings will be considered. The action of the Holy Spirit flowing through prayer is the fire that kindles the action of mind, heart and will, creativity and sacrifice in the God’s Purpose Ministry mission. We will consider the relationship between prayer and mission, God’s presence in contemplative solitude and in bold, a Kingdom Man mindset. The retreat will delight in stories told, songs sung, poetry shared, lively conversation and the Gospel proclaimed in liturgy and in the communal life.


This retreat is designed as an annual incubation conduit to recharge, renew, cultivate and empower our relationships with God – The Great I Am! On this retreat we explore the dynamics of accountability in every area of life, in hopes of offering our lives for King’s Glory. We equip every member with intense knowledge and understanding of a kingdom man’s purpose, position, priorities and assignments – as it relates to God’s will. In addition, everyone leaves here with a mentor or two, accountability partners and tools to live your best life! There is a call for ALL men to return to the father to be transformed into the NEW creation – A Kingdom Man!