Kingdom Mentoring & Coaching

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ChurchOne Waldorf welcomes you to the Kingdom Mentoring & Coaching platform – “The King’s Men,” where building God’s Kingdom is the MOST IMPORTANT OBJECTIVE! In this program, we mentor you in the concepts of Kingdom concepts, principles, culture, citizenship, language and government; in hopes of impacting families and the worlds of the earth through the guidance of the God’s Holy Spirit – declaring God’s glory, love and righteousness. This program will literally transform one’s mindset and posture, in hopes of realizing who and what you are in God’s Kingdom. Many of us have trouble finding purpose in these times, well we have great news, you are more than what you think – “You are Praise!”

Inside the Kingdom Mentoring & Coaching platform is the King’s Men Group, which is a Kingdom Man incubation program which empowers men with the truth – “You are a King and a Priest! Simply stated, we are in the business in IMPACTING THE WORLDS of the earth for the Glory of God. Join us as we become God’s vessels spreading word, and His glory throughout the earth!

Lastly, in this program you will go through a series of biblical teachings, lessons, trainings and participate in vase kingdom conversations that will impact every area of your life; and as well anyone you meet! Your life will simply be a consistent lifestyle of praise and repentance.

20 July 2014 - Romans 8:18-25 - Holy Cross Lutheran Church

The founder of Dynamic Mentoring Tech is a Kingdom Man, who inspire to give back what he learned about God, His Son and His Kingdom! Through guided teachings from Dr. Myles Munroe, Tony Evans, Mike Freeman and Bennie A. Duncan; the founder has developed an comprehensive Kingdom Mentoring Academy who goal is to impact the world for God’s glory!

Areas of Study

– Kingdom Man
– Kingdom Men Rising
– The Purpose and Power of the Holy Spirit
– The Power of Knowing God
– The Principles of Fatherhood
– The Purpose and Power of Marriage
– Kingdom Solutions to Financial Problems
– Understanding the Purpose and Power of the Male
– Understanding the Purpose and Power of the Woman
– Overcoming Seasons of Crisis
– The Purpose and Power of Marriage
– Kingdom Solutions to Financial Problems

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